Contra Dances in Franklin are on hiatus for the spring until the repairs at the Macon County Library are finished. Other parts of the Library are still open and holding activities, but the wood dance floor is directly below the roof repairs. However, we are excited to be hosting a contra dance at an alternate venue in Franklin on March 20, 2025. More details to come.
Contra Dance — including contras, squares, round, and several other types of group folk dances — to live music, every Third Thursday of the month, year-round at the Macon County Library in Franklin, NC. Each dance is taught, and then instructions continue to be called in time to the music by an experienced "caller." Beginners are most welcome!
Different callers and bands each month add to the variety!
Beginners are most welcome! First-timers dance FREE! Bring a few friends to try Contra Dancing for free!
Suggested donation: $10/person (kids age 14 & under are free) Lesson at 6:30pm. Dance 7-9pm. Arrive at 6:30 to get a jump-start on the moves!
Details about each month's dance are in sub-pages under this "Contra Dances" page.
Bring a closed water container and a snack if you choose. Smooth-soled shoes work best on the Library's wonderful wood floor. Please do not wear perfume or scents to the dances.
Friends of Contra Dance in Macon County Macon County Public Library 149 Siler Farm Rd. Franklin, NC, 28734 828-524-3600
The dances are funded in part by The James Edward Hudock Trust and produced by the Arts Council of Macon County, Friends of Contra Dance in Macon County, and the Macon County Public Library. Thank you sponsors!
Friends of Contra Dance in Macon County are now on Facebook! If you are on social media, please follow us, so that we can spread the word about our dance, and you'll have more folks to dance with!